Sunday, October 24, 2010

24 th oct 2010

Today was a fun day for me. I did many interesting things today like chatting, playing card, shopping..........
I woke up late today because of  late night. Before having my lunch, i meet many of my frens online. Among whom alisha(muse) gave me an idea of blogging. It was some thing difficult to me which i had never done before. But I was lucky enough that i got help from alisha... i want to personally thank alisha for the idea and for your precious help.
                      After having my lunch, i and my brother  with his frens played card.It was full of fun while playing, though i lost 100 box...hehe....soon  after that we went for shopping. Man these days  new road is full of garbage.  Can't separate whether it is road or dumping site. But such thing didn't hinder our shopping. We enjoyed our shopping.......

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